Used to play ball with these guys from back in the day, good to see local success do it big. B B S R has this single on a Facebook game called Nightclub City and will be doing a show in Las Vegas. If you in Vegas from Aug 18- 20 peep them at the Billionaire Mafia Takeover at Magic. Rick Ross , Nicki Minaj, Baby will be in the building so def peep game if you in the west coast area. Hit the jump for the video and more tour dates.

Future Dates:
8-21 BBSR 2010 Official Kickoff Party

Dreamworld Music Complex

Arlington, TX

8-22 97.9 The Beat Custom Car Show performing at 3pm

Dallas, TX

1 comment:

  1. What up homie! Preciate the love boss! Its ya boyz from BBSR. Contact us when u get this. mikell@executivemusic.com

    Big Beam & Skinny Red


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